Grieving Amulets

For the most part, our American culture doesn’t allow space for the expression or support of those who have experienced loss. There are times when we experience a loss, and are grieving, yet no one knows. Maybe we’re too uncomfortable to tell anyone. Maybe it’s for something that happened recently, or perhaps it was many years ago.

Loss is loss. You have the right to grieve.

These amulets are to acknowledge and support you in your loss — whatever it is and whenever it was. Each stone was researched and selected specifically to acknowledge and support you in your grieving.

And when someone notices your amulet, you may choose to invite them in and share your story.

NEW: Silver 2023 Version

Apache Tear wrapped in Silver with Ouroborus, Master Shamanite, Larimar, Lapis Lazuli, Fire Lace Opal, Amazonite, Sodalite and Peridot.

2022 Versions

Apache Tears wrapped in copper with Ouroborus, Master Shamanite, Fire Agate, Mookaite, Amazonite.